Friday, April 6, 2012

Can the world afford war on Iran?

Syed Ali Safvi

Safeguarding and securing Israel has always been one of the prime concerns of the United States of America (USA). The Uncle Sam has been using all its influence and might to to strangulate all those voices raised against its strategic ally Israel.

America and its allies are fighting what they have described (a misnomer) as "Islamic terrorism". However, the fact of the matter is that the US - self proclaimed champion of electoral democracy – has for long harboured an ambition to uproot Islam and Muslims from the face of this planet.

It is an established fact that the US invasions of Iraq was actually initiated by Israel for its “strategic benefit”, for securing its future and most importantly “to divert Iraqi oil to the Haifa refinery via the Mosul to Haifa pipeline”. The pipeline is used to send oil to Israel.

The US government’s horrible misadventure in Iraq saw thousands of innocent civilians being killed with cluster bombs and other horrific weaponry.

America’s claim that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) dangerous for the world peace (read Israel) proved a cruel hoax. Yet the whole world remained silent.

American-Israeli invasion of Iraq will long be remembered for the infamous Abu Gharib prison, which has became synonymous with the brutality unleashed by the American and its allied forces.

Now, Israel’s next target is Iran, the country that has threatened to “wipe Israel off the map” – an audacious statement by Iranian president Mehmoud Ahmedinejad, which excerbated the already strained relationship between the two countries.

Pertinently, Iran’s government does not recognise Israel as a country and it has severed all diplomatic and commercial ties with Israel since the 1979 Islamic revolution. The Islamic republic is also known for its sharp anti-Zionism stance.

There is a strong speculation that Israel might attack its traditional bête noire Iran, already reeling under the impact of economic sanctions.

It is not only the matter of Iran's 'peaceful' nuclear enrichment that is troubling the self-made global watchdogs – US and Israel, but the threat it entails for Israel.

The Israel is trying its best to mobilize Zionist lobbies across the world to launch a military strike on Iranian uranium enrichment facilities.

However, several countries including Russia, China, India, Australia, and even America are opposed to a strike on Iran.

But despite the worldwide opposition, Israel seems hell bent on attacking Iran as has become evident from the US intelligence report.

US Secretary for Defence, Leon Panetta, revealed last month that the intelligence reports have pointed to an Israeli attack on Iran in late spring or early summer of 2012.

It remains to be seen whether Israel’s strongest ally - US - will continue to stay aloof from Isarel’s possible military strike on Iran, or joins the Israel’s misadventure.

Ironically, the U.S., the country seeking to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons capability, had no qualms when Israel, assisted by France, was making nuclear bombs. Israel is known to possess some 200 to 300 nuclear weapons in its arsenal.

America has been claiming ad-nauseum to make Middle East a 'nuclear-free zone'. This despite the fact that there is already a nuclear power existing in the heart of Middle East.

America's unflinching support to Israel's blatant policies is slowly and steadily transforming the political fabric of the Middle East, which could prove very costly for the US and Israel in the long run. The rise of Islam as a political force has sent a shaking and shocking message to the White House.

The Islamic political parties like Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Islamic Salvation Front in Algeria, Hezbollah in Lebanon have strongly established themselves in their respective nations.

With war couds hovering over Iran, the global crude oil prices have already shot up. Iran is not Iraq. Attack on Iran could prove distrous for the world peace and can escalate regional conflicts.

It is high time that world leaders get together and prevent the possible strike on Iran and resolve the issues amicably through mutual negotiation. Iran has also expressed its willingness to discuss its nuclear programme with the world powers.

The world leaders can not brush aside the truth in the statement of Iranian president, who once remarked while addresseing the world leaders, “You need us more than we need you.”

(The article first appeared in

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